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North Carolina Cohorts
Building Capacity for Interveners PLC 2021-22 (09/2021)
Course categories
Arizona Cohorts
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort
Arizona Cohorts / University of Arizona Cohort
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort 1 (09/2017)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Parent Cohort (03/2018)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 1 (09/2018)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 2 (09/2018)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 1 (09/2019)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 2 (09/2019)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 3 (09/2019)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 2 (09/2020)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 3 (09/2020)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 4 (09/2020)
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort 3 (09/2021)
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort 4 (09/2021)
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort 5 (09/2021)
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona PDSD
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort 4 (2022-2023)
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort 5 (2022-2023)
Arizona Cohorts / Arizona Cohort 6 (2022-2023)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 5 (2023-2024)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 6 (2023-2024)
Arizona Cohorts / AZ Cohort 7 (2023-2024)
Buckeye Cohorts
Buckeye Cohorts / Buckeye Cohort 5: DB 101
Buckeye Cohorts / Buckeye Cohort 6: Techniques
CA-ID-MT Cohorts
CA-ID-MT Cohorts / CA-ID-MT Cohort (01/16)
CA-ID-MT Cohorts / CA-ID-MT Cohort (05/15)
CA-ID-MT Cohorts / CA-ID-MT Cohort 04/16
California Cohorts
California Cohorts / California Cohort 02/16
California Cohorts / Chula Vista Cohort 3/16
California Cohorts / SDSU Cohort 01/2018
California Cohorts / California Interveners in Training (06/17)
California Cohorts / SFSU DB Specialization Cohort (09/2017)
California Cohorts / UCSD Deaf Bilingual Education (04/2018)
California Cohorts / SDSU/CDBS Intervener Training Pilot
California Cohorts / SDSU Advanced Learning Series in DB - Course #1 (02/2019)
California Cohorts / California Training Cohort (02/20)
California Cohorts / SFSU/CDBS Intervener Training 2020
California Cohorts / SFSU/CDBS Intervener Training 2021
California Cohorts / SFSU/CDBS Intervener Training 2022
California Cohorts / SFSU-CDBS Intervener Training 2023
California Cohorts / SFSU /CDBS Intervener Training 2024
Central Michigan University Cohort
Communication Matrix Cohorts
Delaware Cohort
Delaware Cohort / Delaware Cohort 2016
East Coast Cohorts
East Coast Cohorts / East Coast Cohort 09/16
Florida Cohort
Georgia Cohorts
Georgia Cohorts / GA TN 2019 (01/2017)
Georgia Cohorts / Georgia Technical Assistance Cohort 06/16
Granite State Cohorts
Granite State Cohorts / Granite State Cohort
GSAP Cohorts
GSAP Cohorts / GSAP Cohort 10/2014
Host Training and Support
Hunter College Cohort
Illinois Cohorts
Illinois Cohorts / Illinois Cohort 09/16
Illinois Cohorts / Illinois Intervener Candidates (03/2019)
Illinois Cohorts / Illinois Interveners Candidates
Illinois State University Cohort
Indiana Cohorts
Indiana Cohorts / Indiana Cohort 02/16
Indiana Cohorts / Indiana Cohort 9/2014
Indiana Cohorts / Indiana Cohort (08/2018)
Intervener Pilot
Intervener Pilot / Cohort 1
Intervener Pilot / Cohort 2
Intervener Pilot / Cohort 3
Iowa Cohort
Kentucky Cohort
Kentucky Cohort / Kentucky Cohort 2017
Kentucky Cohort / Kentucky Cohort (02/2022)
Kentucky Cohort / KY/TN/SC Cohort (08/2024)
Louisiana Cohorts
Louisiana Cohorts / Louisiana Cohort (10/15)
Louisiana Cohorts / Louisiana Cohort 12/16
Louisiana Cohorts / LADBP Fall 2019 (01/2019)
Minnesota Cohorts
Minnesota Cohorts / Minnesota Cohort 2016
Minnesota Cohorts / Minnesota Cohort 2017- Interveners
Minnesota Cohorts / Minnesota Cohort 2017-Teacher
Mississippi Cohorts
Mississippi Cohorts / 2019 SY MS Spring SP Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / MS HCC Interpreter Cohort 04/2017
Mississippi Cohorts / 2018 SY MS Parent Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2018 SY MS CoP/Mentor Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2018 SY MS ITA Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2018 SY MS Service Provider Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2018 SY MS HCC Interpreter Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2019 SY MS HCC Interpreter Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2025 SY MS HCC Interpreter Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2018-2019 Mississippi Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / 2019-2020 Mississippi Cohorts
Mississippi Cohorts / Fall 2020-Spring 2022 MS/FL&VI Cohort 1 (08/2020)
Mississippi Cohorts / Spring 2021-Spring 2022 M/FL&VI Cohort 2 (08/2020)
Mississippi Cohorts / Fall 2021-Spring 2023 MS/FL&VI Cohort 3 (07/2021)
Mississippi Cohorts / MS 2022SY ITA (08/2021)
Mississippi Cohorts / Spring 2022-Spring 2023 MS/FL&VI Cohort 4 (1/2022)
Mississippi Cohorts / MS/FL&VI Cohort 5 (08/2022)
Mississippi Cohorts / Families LEAD Cohort
Mississippi Cohorts / MS/FL&VI Cohort 6 (12/2022)
Mississippi Cohorts / MS/FL&VI Cohort 7 (06/2023)
Mississippi Cohorts / MS/FL&VI Cohort 8 (01/2024)
Mississippi Cohorts / MS/FL&VI Cohort 9 (09/2024)
Mississippi Cohorts / MS/FL&VI Cohort 10
Missouri Cohorts
Missouri Cohorts / Missouri Cohort (08/15)
Missouri Cohorts / Missouri Cohort (08/16)
Missouri Cohorts / Missouri Cohort (09/14)
Missouri Cohorts / Missouri Cohort (08/2017)
Missouri Cohorts / Missouri Cohort (09/2019)
Missouri Cohorts / Special School District- St Louis
Missouri Western State University Cohort
NE Lincoln Public Schools Cohorts
NE Lincoln Public Schools Cohorts / NE Lincoln Public Schools Cohort 2015-16
NE Lincoln Public Schools Cohorts / NE Lincoln Paras Cohort (10/2018)
NE Metro Area Schools Cohorts
NE Metro Area Schools Cohorts / NE Metro Area Schools Cohort 2015-16
New England Consortium Cohorts
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Leadership Cohort 2016-2017
New England Consortium Cohorts / New England Cohort (05/17)
New England Consortium Cohorts / New England Consortium 04/2016
New England Consortium Cohorts / New England Consortium Cohort 2/2015
New England Consortium Cohorts / New England Cohort 1 (01/2018)
New England Consortium Cohorts / New England Cohort 2 (01/2018)
New England Consortium Cohorts / New England Consortium Cohort (10/2018)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Spring Cohort 2019 (03/2019)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Para/Intervener Training (09/2019)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Para/Intervener Training 2020 (05/2020)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Intro Modules Fall 2020 (10/2020)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Intro Modules Spring 2021 (03/2021)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Intro Modules Fall 2021 (09/2021)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC Intro Modules Spring 2022 (01/2022)
New England Consortium Cohorts / NEC OHOA Group 2 (09/2022)
New England Consortium Cohorts / Fall 2023 Para/Intervener Training
New Jersey Cohort
New Jersey Cohort / First Children Cohort
New Jersey Cohort / NJ - Team Training (02/2022)
New Jersey Cohort / Old Cohort
NFADB Cohorts
NFADB Cohorts / NFADB-NCDB Parent Training
NICE / NICE - Minnesota
NICE / NICE - Pennsylvania
NICE / NICE - Virginia
NICE / NICE - Louisiana
NICE / NICE - North Carolina
NICE / NICE - Delaware
NICE / NICE - Colorado
NICE / NICE - Kentucky DOE
NICE-AZ/CA/SC/UT November 2016
North Carolina Cohorts
North Carolina Cohorts / North Carolina Intervener PLC Cohort
North Carolina Cohorts / ECU Deafblind Intervener Cohort 1 (09/2020)
North Carolina Cohorts / Intervener Cohort 2021-2022 (09/2021)
North Carolina Cohorts / Building Capacity for Interveners PLC 2021-22 (09/2021)
North Carolina Cohorts / 2022-2023 ECU Intervener Cohort
North Carolina Cohorts / Intervener Training for Educational Interpreters (09/2024)
North Carolina Cohorts / 2024-25 DB Intervener Cohort (09/2024)
NY-VT Cohorts
NY-VT Cohorts / New York/ Vermont Cohort 9/2014
NY-VT Cohorts / New York/Vermont Cohort 2016-2017
NY-VT Cohorts / NY/VT Level 1 Cohort (08/2017)
NY-VT Cohorts / NY/VT Level 2 Cohort (08/2017)
NY-VT Cohorts / NY/VT Level 3 Cohort (08/2017)
New York Cohorts
New York Cohorts / NYCDOE Cohort 10/2014
New York Cohorts / NYDBC Team EB (08/2017)
New York Cohorts / St. Marys School for the Deaf (02/2019)
New York Cohorts / NYDBC OHOA Cohorts (08/2022)
OHOA Modules (master copies)
Oklahoma Cohorts
Oklahoma Cohorts / Oklahoma Cohort 2020
Oklahoma Cohorts / Oklahoma EI Overview of Deaf-Blindness 06/2017
Oklahoma Cohorts / Oklahoma OHOA Module 3 2025
Oregon Cohorts
Oregon Cohorts / Oregon Cohort 10/16
Oregon Cohorts / OR DB Cohort 1 (10/2019)
Oregon Cohorts / OR DB 2019-2020 School Year PD (04/2020)
Oregon Cohorts / OSD Future Intervener Training 2020
Oregon Cohorts / Basic Introduction to Deafblindness: Cohort 2 (10/2020)
Oregon Cohorts / Learning More About Deafblindness: PD Part 2 (10/2020)
Oregon Cohorts / Fall 2020 Professional Development Cohort for CL (10/2020)
Oregon Cohorts / Oregon NICE 2020
Oregon Cohorts / Intervener Training for OR (01/2021)
Oregon Cohorts / OR Teacher/Para TOSA Grant (08/2021)
Oregon Cohorts / Intervener Training (02/2022)
Oregon Cohorts / Zero to Three Training Cohort (06/2022)
Oregon Cohorts / OR Team Training (Woodburn)
Oregon Cohorts / Eastern Oregon DeafBlind Learning Cohort 2023
Oregon Cohorts / Oregon 2024-2025
Pacific University Cohorts
Pacific University Cohorts / Pacific University College of OT Cohort 2016
Pacific University Cohorts / Pacific University-School of OT
Pacific University Cohorts / Pacific University College of OT Cohort 2017
Pacific University Cohorts / Pacific University College of OT Cohort 2018
PaTTAN Cohorts
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN Cohort 2016-2017
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN Cohort 2017-2018
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN Cohort 2019-2020
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN 2020-21 (01/2020)
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN DBRT Cohort 2 (08/2020)
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN Cohort 2021-2022 (01/2021)
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN DBRT Cohort 3 (10/2021)
PaTTAN Cohorts / PaTTAN Cohort 2022-2023 (01/2022)
Portland State University Cohorts
Portland State University Cohorts / Portland State University
RIC Cohorts
RIC Cohorts / RIC Cohort (01/16)
RIC Cohorts / RIC Cohort (08/15)
RIC Cohorts / RIC Cohort 2016-2017
RIC Cohorts / RIC Cohort 2019-2021
RIC Cohorts / RIC Cohort Fall 2018
RIC Cohorts / RIC Cohort 2022 (01/2022)
RIC Cohorts / Rhode Island College
San Francisco State Cohorts
San Francisco State Cohorts / San Francisco State Cohort # 1
San Francisco State Cohorts / San Francisco State Cohort # 2
South Carolina Cohorts
South Carolina Cohorts / South Carolina Cohort (07/16)
South Carolina Cohorts / South Carolina Cohort 06/16
South Carolina Cohorts / South Carolina Cohort 11/2016
South Carolina Cohorts / SC Deaf-Blind Project Cohort (02/2019)
South Carolina Cohorts / TN/SC Cohort (06/2020)
Southeast Cohorts
Southeast Cohorts / Southeast Cohort Fall 2016
Texas Tech University Cohort
Texas Tech University Cohort / TTU 01/2016
Texas Tech University Cohort / TTU 02/2017
Texas Tech University Cohort / TTU 01/2018
Texas Cohorts
Texas Cohorts / Texas Cohort
Texas Cohorts / Texas Cohort Dallas 01/17
Texas Cohorts / TX Region 1 (11/2017)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / Dakotas Family Connections
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / The Dakotas Cohort (01/17)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / The Dakotas Cohort (01/18)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / The Dakotas Cohort (05/2018)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / Dakotas Cohort Borders & Beyond (01/2019)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / Dakotas Cohort SD Borders and Beyond (05/2019)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / South Dakota and Beyond Professional Development (Fall 2019)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / South Dakota and Beyond Professional Development (01/2020)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / South Dakota Ongoing Intervener/Paraprofessional Cohort (04/2020)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / South Dakota and Beyond Professional Development Cohort (06/2020)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / South Dakota Ongoing Intervener/Paraprofessional Cohort (08/2022)
South Dakota and Beyond Cohort / South Dakota Intervener Training Modules (08/2024)
The Study Group 2016
University of Georgia Cohort
University of Georgia Cohort / UGA Cohort 01/2017
University of Kentucky Cohort
Utah Cohorts
Utah Cohorts / Utah Cohort (02/16)
Utah Cohorts / Utah Cohort 8/2014
Utah Cohorts / Utah Cohort (10/2019)
Vanderbilt Cohorts
Vanderbilt Cohorts / Vanderbilt Cohort 10/2014
Vermont Cohorts
Vermont Cohorts / Vermont Cohort 06/16
Virginia Cohorts
Virginia Cohorts / VA Cohort 04/16 Cohort
Virginia Cohorts / Virginia Cohort 8/2014
Virginia Cohorts / Virginia Cohort 09/16
Virginia Cohorts / Virginia Cohort 08/2018
Virginia Cohorts / VA NICE Cohort 2019-2020
Washington Cohorts
Washington Cohorts / Washington Cohort 01/2017
Washington Cohorts / Washington Cohort 2016-2017
Washington Cohorts / Washington Cohort (09/2017)
Washington Cohorts / Washington Cohort (02/2018)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort (09/2018)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort 2019 Fall
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort (02/2020)
Washington Cohorts / WA Spring Cohort (04/2020)
Washington Cohorts / WA Fall Cohort (09/20)
Washington Cohorts / WA Winter Cohort (01/2021)
Washington Cohorts / WA Beginning Winter Cohort (01/2021)
Washington Cohorts / WA Spring Cohort (03/2021)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort (10/2021)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort - Advanced Modules (02/2022)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort Winter (01/2022)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort (09/2022)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort (01/2023)
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort 2023-2024
Washington Cohorts / WA Cohort (01/2024)
Washington Cohorts / WA OHOA Cohort (09/2024)
Washington Cohorts / WA OHOA Cohort (01/2025)
West Virginia Cohorts
West Virginia Cohorts / WV Cohort 2018-2019
West Virginia Cohorts / West Virginia Cohort (03/2022)
WOU Cohorts
WOU Cohorts / WOU Deaf Ed Cohort Winter, 2017
WOU Cohorts / WOU Deaf Education Cohort
Ohio Cohorts
Ohio Cohorts / SST 6 Ohio Cohort (09/2017)
Ohio Cohorts / Ohio O&M (02/2018)
Ohio Cohorts / Ohio Self-Determination & Social Skills (03/2018)
Ohio Cohorts / Ohio Transition to Adulthood (04/2018)
Ohio Cohorts / Region 14 Cohort 1 (09/2018)
Ohio Cohorts / Region 14 Cohort 2 (09/2018)
Ohio Cohorts / Intervener Communication (01/2019)
Ohio Cohorts / SST 14: Techniques
Ohio Cohorts / SST 14: Transition
Ohio Cohorts / Independent Studies (05/2019)
Ohio Cohorts / TechPart1Educators (10/2019)
Ohio Cohorts / TechPart1Parents (10/2019)
Ohio Cohorts / OSSB/OSD (12/2019)
District of Columbia Cohort
Arkansas / Moving Mountains Year 2 (06/2018)
North Dakota Cohorts
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota (02/2019)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (08/2019)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (01/2020)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (06/2020)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (09/2020)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (01/2021)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (06/2021)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota (09/2021)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (01/2022)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota (06/2022)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (09/2022)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (01/2023)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (06/2023)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (09/2023)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (01/2024)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (06/2024)
North Dakota Cohorts / North Dakota Cohort (09/2024)
North Dakota Cohorts / ND Cohort (01/2025)
Colorado Cohorts
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort (09/2019)
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort 2 (01/2021)
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort 3 (01/2022)
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort 4 (08/2022)
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort 5 (01/2023)
Colorado Cohorts / Colorado Cohort 6 (8/2023)
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort 7 (01/2024)
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort 8 (08/2024)
Colorado Cohorts / CO Cohort 9 (01/2025)
Professional Development Courses (06/2020)
Professional Development Courses (06/2020) / Course 1
Professional Development Courses (06/2020) / Course 2
Professional Development Courses (06/2020) / Course 3
Spanish OHOA Modules
South Dakota Professional Development Series
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1 (09/2020) - Brandy Sebera
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 2 (09/2020) - Brandy Sebera
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 3 (01/2021)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1 (01/2021)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 2: Communication Strategies (05/2021)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 4: Life Planning for Success (05/2021)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1 (08/2021)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 3 (08/2021)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 2: Communication Strategies (01/2022)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 4: Life Planning for Success (01/2022)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1: An Introduction to DB (08/2022)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 3: Assessment and Instructional Planning (08/2022)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 2: Communication Strategies (01/2023)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 4: Life Planning (01/2023)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1: An Introduction to Deaf-Blindness (08/2023)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 3: Deaf-Blindness: Assessment and Instructional Planning (08/2023)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 2: Communication Strategies (01/2024)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 4: Life Planning (01/2024)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1: An Introduction to DeafBlindness (06/2024)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1: An Introduction to Deafblindness v.1 (08/2024)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 3: Deafblindness: Assessment and Instructional Planning (08/2024)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 1: An Introduction to Deafblindness v.2 (08/2024)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 2: Communication Strategies Group 1 (01/2025)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 4: Life Planning (01/2025)
South Dakota Professional Development Series / Course 2: Communication Strategies Group 2 (01/2025)
Intervener Training Course [Ira Study]
Intervener Training Course [Ira Study] / Week 1
Intervener Training Course [Ira Study] / Week 2
Intervener Training Course [Ira Study] / Week 3
Intervener Training Course [Ira Study] / Week 4
Intervener Training Course [Ira Study] / Week 5
Intervener Training Course [Ira Study] / Week 6
New Mexico Cohorts
New Mexico Cohorts / Project for New Mexican Children and Youth Who Are Deaf-Blind
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Welcome & Orientation
Module 1: An Overview of Deaf-Blindness and Instructional Strategies
Module 2: The Sensory System, the Brain, and Learning
Module 3: The Role of Interveners in Educational Settings
Module 5: Availability for Learning
Module 6: Understanding Communication Principles
Module 7: Emergent Communication
Module 8: Progressing from Non-symbolic to Symbolic Communication and Complex Language
Module 9: Routines for Participation and Learning
Module 10: Concept Development and Responsive Environments
Module 13: Calendars
Module 16: Self-Determination
Module 18: Collaborative Teaming and Family Partnerships
Module 19: Accessing the Curriculum and the Environment
Module 23: Behavior and Environmental Supports
Module 25: Touch for Connecting and Learning
Module 26: Touch for Connection and Communication
Open Hands, Open Access: Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules by NCDB (National Center on Deafblindness)
is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at