• Welcome to the Open Hands, Open Access: Deaf- Blind Intervener Modules

    • A child's hand explores a tactile calendar using hand-under-hand with another individual guiding them over the various symbols.

    • OHOA is a great resource and it's not just for interveners. Administrators, parents, teachers, interpreters and other members of the team would also love OHOA!  Learn more here!

      About OHOA

      The Open Hands, Open Access: Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules were created by a team of over 72 people. Click below to meet  the team of creators.

      Meet the Creators

      National Center on Deafblindness has lots of great resources! As a national technical assistance center, funded by the federal Department of Education, NCBD works to improve the quality of life for children who are deaf-blind and their families.
